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Robin Hill


Carved Wax Drawings, 1996

May 1 - June 30, 2024

Artist Statement




Live Events during this show




                These fifteen carved wax drawings were produced in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, in a tent I called my studio. an They recently

                reemerged on the tide of a major studio reorganization, long buried in a drawer of an overflowing flat file.


                The required point of entry in the making of my drawings over the years is process.  I employ mark making strategies that don't

                not abide by convention or are not entirely dependent on my will or imagination.  Chance operations are often at play, further

                complicated (or simplified) through acts of carving, erasing, melting, perforating, layering, obscuring, and revealing.


                Looking at these drawings twenty-eight years after their making, I feel oddly affirmed in having stayed the course, in managing

                to pull threads of meaning (literal and metaphorical) into the work I am making today.  I remain interested the finding, the doing,

                and in the undoing of material.


                Adaptation is a critical component of my art practice, and most of my work cannot be separated from the conditions in which they

                were made.


                It matters, somehow, that these drawings were made in a tent.  That thin membrane separating me from the pull of the ocean,

                the forest, domestic chores, and parenting was just thick enough to allow determination to triumph over doubt.


                - Robin Hill

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Live Events with Robin Hill and her Carved Wax Drawings, 1996


During the month of May, there will be opportunities to see Carved Wax Drawings in person as well as other work by Hill.  Watch for announcements here and @rhillstudio on IG for details.

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Carved Wax Drawings, 1996

click on an artwork below to learn title, size and purchase price







































































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