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David E. Stone

Summer Leisure: Cards - September 2004

One Year in LA

September, 2004 Exhibition Description

Images from the Exhibition

Patron and Souvenir Editions from September

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For centuries, artists have believed that magic happens when one manipulates viscous pigment on a flat surface that eventually dries and transforms into something else.  And within reason, I can agree with that principal.


In Painting, the history and tradition of painting is the point of departure for my ninth exhibition of one year in LA.  This conversation heats up with the use of paint-by-number images to define social convention by utilizing a craft or hobby-type kit for fine art purposes.


Although not resembling the intended images from the paint-by-number paintings with which I began, these finished works are dark and ominous studies of regimentation and specificity.  In the Painting series of which there are 30 (only 6 of which are on display here), each painting allows all spaces designated to one color to remain unpainted.  Therefore, one can only imagine what the intended color was supposed to be.


In addition to the framed paintings, this exhibition also includes a wall painting with neon elements that replicates a detail of a paint-by-number image in a larger than life installation.



- David E. Stone



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Images from the Exhibition




Wall Painting #5, 2004

acrylic paint and neon, edition of 3 (with certificate of authenticity) –$7,500.00






Wall Painting #5, 2004, Detail





Installation view, Paintings on gallery wall





Painting #2, 2004

acrylic paint on paint-by-number board - $1,750.00





Painting #3, 2004

acrylic paint on paint-by-number board - $1,750.00




Installation view, Paintings on gallery wall





Painting #4, 2004

acrylic paint on paint-by-number board - $1,750.00




Painting #5, 2004

acrylic paint on paint-by-number board - $1,750.00



Painting #6, 2004

acrylic paint on paint-by-number board - $1,750.00




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Patron and Souvenir Editions



Paint by ______, Souvenir Edition, 2004

4" x 6", signed & numbered postcard, edition of 365, $250.00 (set of 12 postcards including shipping)




Patron Painting #1, Patron Edition, 2004

acrylic paint on paint-by-number board, edition of 12, $10,000.00 (all Patron works as a set)




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