another year in LA

We have moved out of the Pacific Design Center

and these are images from

Last Show in LA (For Now)

one night only - January 31, 2014



Check back soon to learn our new gallery location.


click here for more Gallery Information including hours, directions, mailing list, past shows and so much more

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another year in LA is a contemporary art gallery located in Los Angeles (West Hollywood) featuring conceptual art, painting, sculpture, photography, installation art and performance art.  another year in LA represents artists Stephen Kaltenbach, Linda Day and Richard Haley and has shown Osman Khan,Robin Hill, Eric Doeringer, Robert Nelson, Barbara Zucker, Marcel Duchamp,Peter Coffin, John Tremblay, Chris Martin, Caroline Cox, Joe Amrhein, Mark Emerson, David E. Stone, Cathy Stone, Yaya Chou.